Hi there!
How's 2009 for you guys? I hope to those who already trade the real account reached the profit target, and to those who still in demo account or new in FOREX, keep it up and all the best in trading for 2010.
2009 has been a great year for me. FOREX has given me the unimaginable things (At least it's to me few years back!) ; Freedom of time, financial freedom, positive thought, strong mind set, expanding my circle, and the life which I really grateful. Thank you Almighty God!
I still remember when I was new to FOREX, I spend the whole day and night researching about 'what is FOREX?'. I just like a kid who just find out what the video game is. This process continued for the whole month and then for the whole semester in university. I have been to some Forex mentor classes and I must say, most of them are making money from the class instead the trading itself! Don't fall for these scammers.
Most of the knowledge I gained are from some forum sites which give me lots of useful knowledge, updates and a place where I can discuss all the matters with others. I have spent countless hours reading from my PC's monitor and to me at that time, sleeping is only waste of time. Most of the time, I wake up with a headache.
I have traded with lots and lots of strategies or systems or not to forget, the robot! Some are very profitable in a good market move and then the disaster comes; swipe all my money in the bad move. The consistency of the system has always be an issue for me at that time. I changed my trading systems frequently. The process of testing all the systems has taken for almost a year for me. I call that year as ' the year which I actually learn something!'.
After a while, with all the bad thought started to come, I make a move on the chapter of psychology, which the chapter I always avoid to read. This is when I found Bill William's book. Then slowly I realize that psychology is the most important factor to win the trade. I learn how to combine the right psychology with the right trading system can be very profitable. Good psychology (Emotion) + Good money management + Good trading system = Lethal combination!
I think of myself, I'm lucky enough to live in Malaysia. Tokyo open is at 8am here, London open is at 4pm and New York open is at 8pm. FYI, I make most money at all the three market open and you can bet I can sleep soundly at night.
Today, I glad to say, I finally live my life. I have a strict financial target which usually goes like this; "This year alone I'm going to make $---,---.-- and if not, I better think about 9 to 5 job.". I will do everything within my power to reach the target. At the moment I allocate some of my fortune investing in some conventional businesses and properties under my company 'Think Big Enterprise'. Reading 'Rich dad, poor dad' really open my mind about the importance of financial knowledge. Whatever businesses that I'm currently involve, trading the currency market has always been my passion. Yes, it has been less interesting nowadays for me, but hey, I can make money every single day now!
Borrowing the words of wisdom from Robert T. Kiyosaki : "It is not real estate, stocks, mutual funds, businesses, or money that makes a person rich. It is information, knowledge, and know-how, a.k.a financial intelligence, that makes one wealthy."
p/s : To those who still doesn't know : Since I already use Trader's Log software (handy one!), I record all my trades there and not really has the enthusiasm to update my trade here in this blog anymore. I'm thinking of changing this blog's title to my life as a trader. For personal reason, I put some pictures of my life in 2009. It reminds me of how wonderful the life can be. The weekend car, close buddies, my first condo, and my girlfriend who stands by me through thick and thin all this time. Great GOD, thank you!
Have a good day everyone!